EU support to economic and social development of Novi Pazar

The Head of the Delegation of the European Union (EU), Ambassador Sem Fabrizi, during his official stay in Novi Pazar, visited the family enterprise of Elmedina Ćosović, A La Turka, engaged in furniture production, which received the EU grant worth 13.440 Euros for purchase of new equipment to improve the production.

„I am very pleased to visit Elmedina who I met three months ago when her project was approved for funding, and now with the EU support she has new, modern equipment that will help her improve business and increase competitiveness”, said Ambassador Fabrizi while expressing satisfaction with the fact that the EU can contribute to the success of Elmedina’s enterprise.

Elmedina Ćosović pointed out that the EU support to small businesses is of the great importance since they had difficulty in accessing the finances, and added that she had already hired a new employee who was currently being trained to work with the new equipment.

A la Turka is one of 106 micro and small enterprises that will improve competitiveness and open new jobs thanks to the EU support that allocated over two million Euros for this intervention implemented through the EU PRO development programme.

Together with the representatives of the City of Novi Pazar, the Head of the EU Delegation visited the anti-erosion barrier on the Izbica River, one of 13 that was built with the funds of the EU and the Government of Switzerland within the project pertaining to the regulation of the Raška river flow. These so-called mini-dams have been successfully protecting the City of torrential flood since 2014.

As Ambassador said flood protection is part of a wider EU strategy for overall environmental protection, including water, land and air quality, with a particular focus on recycling and waste treatment.

The EU Ambassador also met with the representatives of the Association of Psychologists from Novi Pazar that, with the EU support, was implementing a project aimed at increasing the employability of vulnerable groups. The project, implemented in partnership with the Citizens Association "Đurđevdan" from Bela Palanka, will help employment of young people with disabilities and young people from the Roma population in both local self-governments. This is one of 22 projects to promote social cohesion in multi-ethnic municipalities that the EU supports through EU PRO.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09